

Professional Dog Walkers Association

Setting the dog walking industry standards

-professional - verified - ethical-

Welcome to the Professional Dog Walkers Association (PDWA)



Professional Dog Walkers Association (PDWA) and the Law


Professional Dog Walkers Association (PDWA) advocates responsible dog handling and ownership at all times. We advise anyone involved with dog welfare, whether an owner or professional dog walker to familiarise yourself with the Law on both National and Local levels.


Rules and Regulations


The Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) website is a great source of information together with your Local Authority – Trading Standards Department and Environmental Health:


  • Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 / Dangerous Dogs Act (Amendment) 1997, 2014
  • England and Wales Animal Welfare Act, 2006
  • Scotland Animal Health and Welfare Act, 2006
  • Northern Ireland Welfare of Animal Act 2011
  • Dog Control Orders
  • Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (England and Wales)
  • Highways Act 1980 (England and Wales)
  • Land Reform Act 2003 (Scotland)
  • Scottish Outdoor Access Code
  • Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005
  • EU Regulation for transport of animals
  • Distance Selling Regulations
  • Data Protection Act
  • Privacy Policy

The above Acts cover the UK as a whole, local amendments may apply in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales - check the DEFRA website to ensure local compliancy. Local Authorities may have their own bye-laws governing professional dog walkers and can include, but not limited to:

Restrictions on number of dogs which can be walked at any one time especially in public areas, where you may walk your dogs, if the dogs can be walked off their leads, dog walking business license, requirement to carry identification, compliancy to code of practices, carry mini dog first aid kit.

Contact your local Dog Warden for information in your home area.


Familiarise and keep yourself updated with whatever rules and regulations you can and understand them! Your dogs can't!!


You will need to be familiar with distance selling regulations if you have a website advertising your services together with a privacy policy and data protection.


All dog walkers listed on our website have undergone insurance, disclosure and HMRC background checks and agree to comply with our unique Code of Practice, Conduct & Ethics.


We are available for chat on the phone or email. Due to our working commitments please note our opening hours for telephone support.

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